She-Ra: Progressive of Power

Flashback Week: "The Power of Grayskull" (He-Man 2002 - A Different Horde!)

Episode Summary

Our week of classic flashbacks starts with a look at the rarely discussed 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe reboot! We're discussing the episode "The Power of Grayskull," which contains that series' only look at the Horde (they sadly would never get their own season), as well as the first-ever appearance of Despondos! Plus lots of neat lore about what Grayskull could actually be! We'll be back Wednesday with another throwback!

Episode Notes

Our week of classic flashbacks starts with a look at the rarely discussed 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe reboot! We're discussing the episode "The Power of Grayskull," which contains that series' only look at the Horde (they sadly would never get their own season), as well as the first-ever appearance of Despondos! Plus lots of neat lore about what Grayskull could actually be! 

We'll be back Wednesday with another throwback!

If you're curious, you can watch "The Power of Grayskull" on YouTube.

Duran Duran - Union of the Snake