She-Ra: Progressive of Power

"Perils of Peekablue" with Kiki Manrique and Jen Bennett

Episode Summary

Once upon a time, we'd have as many guests on the show at one time as we wanted. It was a lawless period of vigilante podcasting. We return to those days with the first of TWO episodes featuring TWO wonderful episode directors for She-Ra, Kiki Manrique and Jen Bennett, who happened to work on the next two episodes we're covering, "The Perils of Peekablue" and "Shot in the Dark." This week, a classic POP character makes an appearance, Scorpia sings, and Lauren finally comes around on Sea Hawk.

Episode Notes

Once upon a time, we'd have as many guests on the show at one time as we wanted. It was a lawless period of vigilante podcasting. We return to those days with the first of TWO episodes featuring TWO wonderful episode directors for She-Ra, Kiki Manrique and Jen Bennett, who happened to work on the next two episodes we're covering, "The Perils of Peekablue" and "Shot in the Dark." This week, a classic POP character makes an appearance, Scorpia sings, and Lauren finally comes around on Sea Hawk. 

Peggy Lee - Trapped (In the Web of Love)