She-Ra: Progressive of Power

"Return to the Fright Zone" with Bailey Meyers

Episode Summary

We're stoked to welcome streamer and She-Ra fan Bailey Meyers to the show this week to dive into an episode about friendship, love, helping in any way you can, and I guess learning what Grayskull is in this universe?? Also, Lauren, Eric, and Bailey launch their brand-new podcast!

Episode Notes

We're stoked to welcome streamer and She-Ra fan Bailey Meyers to the show this week to dive into an episode about friendship, love, helping in any way you can, and I guess learning what Grayskull is in this universe?? Also, Lauren, Eric, and Bailey launch their brand-new podcast!

Catch Bailey's Goosedrunks as well as her Twitch stream!

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David Bowie - Cat People (Putting Out Fire)