She-Ra: Progressive of Power

The Exit Interviews, Part 1 feat. Jen Bennett, Josie Campbell, Phil Lomboy, Noelle Stevenson, Sharon Sun, and M. Willis

Episode Summary

As we near the end of our podcast, we wanted to put a nice bow on our time covering She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and fortunately, Dreamworks was down to help! In this, the first of two Twitch streams we're calling the "Exit Interviews," we've got a bevy of guests from SPOP ready to answer burning fan questions like "could Angella be alive?" and "does Catra shower?"

Episode Notes

As we near the end of our podcast, we wanted to put a nice bow on our time covering She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and fortunately, Dreamworks was down to help! In this, the first of two Twitch streams we're calling the "Exit Interviews," we've got a bevy of guests from SPOP ready to answer burning fan questions like "could Angella be alive?" and "does Catra shower?" 

This interview features:

Jen Bennett (director)
Josie Campbell (story editor)
Phil Lomboy (editor)
Noelle Stevenson (executive producer)
Sharon Sun (board artist)
M. Willis (writer)

The second part of these streams is happening Wednesday, 8/26 at 5:30 PM PST! You can catch it over at